Mobilité Francophone route to Canadian Work Permit

Is it simple to immigrate to Canada? Many people believe that immigration to Canada is simple for individuals who are highly qualified, skilled, and experienced. To immigrate to Canada, you don't have to be Superman or Superwoman. You just need to consult Canada immigration consultants in India.

Instead, you should concentrate on utilizing all available programs and streams in order to obtain a work permit or permanent residence in Canada. Once you have a job in Canada, the road to long-term residency becomes much smoother.

The Mobilité Francophone stream of the International Mobility Program is another simple option to qualify for an LMIA-exempt work visa that most people overlook.

Francophone immigration is a big deal for Canadian immigration

Do you know that outside of Quebec, Canada has a special goal for settling French-speaking immigrants? In 2018, Canada declared that French-speaking immigrants settling outside of Quebec would account for 4.4 percent of overall immigrant admissions.

As of 2019, this group of immigrants accounted for 2.8 percent of all admissions, implying that Canada will need a 50 percent increase in French-speaking immigrants planning to reside outside of Quebec to fulfil its 2023 goal.

Mobilité francophone is a stream of IMT

In 2016, Canada launched the Mobilité Francophone stream under the IMT to increase Francophone immigration.

Employers can hire foreign skilled employees without having to follow the onerous LMIA standards because all IMT streams are LMIA-exempt programs. This eliminates the requirement for:

a.       Obtaining LMIA approval

b.       For four to six weeks, the position will be advertised throughout Canada.

c.       Paying the LMIA fee of $1000

d.       Meeting quota targets or developing transition plans (high-wage LMIAs) (low-wage LMIAs)

e.       Following the LMIA rules' continuing procedures and compliance requirements

Obviously, a Canadian company would prefer to hire a foreign worker through the Mobilité Francophone stream over the traditional LMIA-mandated Temporary Foreign Worker Program.

How does a candidate qualify for Mobilité Francophone?

 You must intend to live and work in a French-speaking community outside of Quebec to be eligible for the work permit.

Consult Canada immigration consultants in Delhi for more information.

You must either speak French as a first language or as a second language on a daily basis. The Immigration Officer will ultimately determine whether you meet this condition or not. Another way to qualify is if your French language test result is NCLC 7 or higher. The test results must be within two years of the application's submission date.

You must have a genuine job offer from an authorized Canadian employer, as with other job permits. An offer for a NOC 0, A, or B occupation is required.

It is not necessary for your employment to need knowledge of or use of French as part of the job description. This means that even work that can be done by someone who only speaks English can help you qualify if you can communicate in French.

How can Mobilité francophone be life changing?

As you can see, there are no unusual conditions to obtain this work permit. Any skilled worker can apply as long as he or she is fluent in French and can use it as a second language on a regular basis.

So, if you're willing to put in the effort to learn French, you can skip to the front of the line and receive a job and a work permit in Canada without delay.

You can use your Canadian job experience to qualify for the Canadian Experience Class program once you've arrived in Canada. Alternatively, the FSWP-Express Entry-ITA path to permanent residency is always available.

You are required to consult Canada immigration consultants in Delhi for detailed information. 


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